Friday, January 31, 2014

Principles of Microeconomics, My Online, Self-Directed Course

Update (3/17/2014): I discovered a better way of distributing these video lectures; see this subsequent blog post:
This blog post will serve as a directory for the video lectures that I am creating this semester for an online, Principles of Microeconomics course that I am teaching at San Jose State University.  By the end of the semester, this page will contain links to 56 videos.

The link above will take you to a page where you can download the syllabus, some assignments, and the course reader, which is an essential component to the course.  There is also a link to Canvas (the Learning Management System) where my students take online quizzes. 

For now, this page contains links to videos that introduce students to the course and cover the material from the reader.  I will create one video for each section of the reader.  There are 14 chapters in the reader, and each chapter contains 4 sections, so I anticipate creating at least 56 videos, plus a few others (like the introductory video) which deals with course management issues.

Ladies and gentlemen, some of these videos are still pretty rough.  But I am improving.  For example, you will see that from the first chapter videos to the second chapter videos, we went from black and white to color!  These and many more improvements await as we work through the semester.

Please do post comments below or contact me with any questions about this project.


Comments: This video introduces students to the course syllabus and using Canvas.


Chapter 1, Section 1

Comments:  I didn't emphasize the three fundamental economic questions enough as I should have.  While you should certainly read the entire section, please do not neglect this topic just because I accidentally forget to mention it.


Chapter 1, Section 2

Comments: None.


Chapter 1, Section 3, as well as Chapter 2, Subsection 3.3

Comments: In this video, I forgot to discuss the difference between positive and normative economics.  While you should certainly read the entire section, please do not neglect that topic just because I accidentally forget to mention it.  This class emphasizes positive economics!


Chapter 2, Section 1

Comments: None.


Chapter 2, Section 2

Comments: None.


Chapter 2, Section 3

Comments: None.


Chapter 2, Section 4

Comments: ***Important*** Please attempt Numerical Problem 4 in Section 2.4, AND the Ricardo Quiz before watching this video. You have three attempts at the Ricardo quiz so there is no problem with taking it before watching the video. Students should work through these problems before and while watching the video.  In other words, to help you learn, you should definitely not wait until all correct answers are demonstrated before attempting the problems yourself!.***


Chapter 3, Section1

Comments: Check out my smart new technology!  


Chapter 3, Section 2


Chapter 3, Section3


Chapter 3, Section 4



Comments: None.



Comments: None.



Comments: None.





Comments:  This is a very long video!  However, the good news is Videos 5.2 and 5.3 are short! 


 Video 6.1 

Comments:  Note there are typos in the textbook!  See about18 minutes in.
Video 6.2


Video 6.3

Video 6.4

Comments: None.